Monday, February 06, 2006

Crisis at the White House

Washingtion DC-- The President called an emergency meeting this morning to address developments in throughout the Arab world. The main topic of course, "How did the Danes out manoeuvre The US in really pissing off the Arab world"? Many in the White House and the American press thought the the US had this distinction "locked up". Though brilliant advances in publishing and satire, Denmark has outplayed the US and the world. So biting where the Danish 'comments', a few French newspapers simply reprinted the now famous 'cartoons' for public discussion and many in the Arab street are burning French flags too..and calling for the "destruction of France". Israel still holds the top spot, but the US may now occupy a distant fourth. The US fourth?! And behind France..?? MERDE !!
If the US want's to remein relevant in the world it needs to regain its position in the Arab world.

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