Friday, September 02, 2005

Kansan outsources Wife...

Kansas City, KS-- Brilliant tax accountant and Washburn University graduate (95'), Warren Smyth, 34, found and exploited a valuable Federal Tax loophole. "I was working late one night, a few years ago and after a series of footnotes and boring essays, I realized something odd in my tax journals. If I outsourced my wife, to three, maybe four women or more over a 360 day period, I could claim all of them as dependants, lowering my taxable income." recalls Mr. Smyth. "I would need a maid, gardener, sexual surrogate, asian schoolgirl (bukkake ninja), emotional confidant, slave, cheerleader, neighborhood slamhound and various other helpers."

"We weren't so sure if this whole thing that Mr. Smyth was advocating was legal." says, Amy Grome, case officer for the IRS. "There is a set of rules that do exist under section 3504. (Pub. L. 94-455, title XIX, Sec. 1906(b)(13)(A), 90 Stat 1868) The idea behind the rule, was that women were needed to work after the Civil War to not only help rebuild the infrastructure but basic industries as well. Tax reciepts for the nation were critically low. So, if a man could utilize a surrogate or maybe ten, it would be good for the economy, and thus an increase in the tax reciepts generated by our department. Its obviously outdated (the rule), but its still on the books. The only question our department had concerning Mr. Smyth method's was his use of a 'bukkake ninja'. We can't find this occupation in any of our databases."

Mr. Smyth isn't offering any advice concerning his new method(s) of tax avoidance. He plans to have a book available this fall, published by Harvard Press.

Mr. Smyth's new book, Hallelujah!, to be availabe here...

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