Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ms.Slurpie 2002

Remember when the French ruled the world? No, I don't either, but they tried to rule "pairs figure skating'-but failed. Naturally. Marie Reine Le Gougne, the French broad with the mink, short-changed the skaters from Canada, because she had 'orders' from the president of the French Skating Federation to give the Russians the highest score, because the Russian judge(s) would do the same for the 'French team' in another iced event. All hell broke loose. The French judges were taken out of Salt Lake City and sent back to Paris. Ms. Le Gougne was suspended for three years, even after displying her deep throat skills to the judges. Many in the skating world were shocked because many figured that Ms. Le Gougne could "slurp" her way out of this 'problem'. "She gratuated from the Sorbonne, so of course her oral skills are exemplary, very important in matters of diplomacy" said Jaques Monefft, professor of international policy. Many thought she may recieve a lifetime ban from the ISU (International Skating Union), but recieved only 3 years. She may be the author of the 'sucking' sound Ross Perot was talking about. It wasn't comming from Mexico, but from France!

Fixing an olympic event and getting caught through examination of video, on late nite television and sentenced for three whole years. The fix is in.

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