Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mayor Race II

It seems very odd that the 'public' has a problem with the amount of money mayor Bloomberg is spending on his re-election, current tab $60 million(+). The issue isn't if Bloomberg will win, but how much he is out spending his challenger, Ferrer. It would seem that Ferrer is going to be "smoked" on election day. The most generously liberal publications have him trailing Bloomberg by about 30 points. We live in a country where "space enthusiast", Gregory Olsen, will spend $20 million to up into orbit for a few days. Is it odd to spend $60 million to become mayor of the Earth's most loved city for four years?

The question shouldn't be why Bloomberg will spend so much money to become mayor, but why would Ferrer spend ANY MONEY to gain a position that he has no chance of obtaining. Its like buying a bag of old lottery tickets. What's the point? And some of Ferrer's money is our tax dollars. Bloomberg is spending only his own money.

Braver Heart

Hollywood,CA-- Sylvester Stallone has purchased the rights to "Braveheart II" for an undisclosed sum. Icon Pictures, owned by Mel Gibson, had owned the rights but chose to sell them. "Mr. Gibson is simply too busy with too many projects." says Issac Meyers, a hollywood producer and friend of Mr. Gibson. "I think he wanted to develop his craft and production(s) toward a different and more challenging direction." The film, yet untitled, should be in theatres by Christmas 2006.

Mayor race

Things are getting strange in New York's mayoral race. Current Mayor Bloomberg has the support of the (liberal rag) NY Times, NY Post and many others. The Democratic candidate, Fernando Ferrer has recieved strong support from Screw Magazine and 'luke warm' support from Barely Legal. In its US Politics section, Barely Lagal gave Ferrer points for having a moustache but lost even more points for looking like a 'creep'. In an oddly simmiliar theme, Screw Magazine was supporting "Mayor Ferrer", because he seemed the candidate most likely to be arrested in an "underage internet kiddy porn" sting.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

ipod problems..

New York- I need some help. This hooker took my ipod. Her name is "Lazer". Yea, she's an ok GFE and offers greek if your interested. But my ipod had all of David Cassidy's greatest hits and the early works of Quiet Riot. How does one replace that which is unreplacable? ugh!

Friday, October 21, 2005

He grows a good Moustache

I wasn't raised in NYC, but I live here. So I view the upcomming Mayoral election with a gimlet eye. New York City is infested with liberals. And every few years they try to raise a new king. This time around they have chosen Fernando Ferrer to run against the current mayor Mike Bloomberg. Mr. Ferrer has advertised himself as the candidate that has "worked his way up" and would never 'buy' the job of being mayor. This of course is a jab at Mayor Bloomberg, because he's rich, yea 'fuck you money' rich. Billions and billions of dollars. Founder and owner of Bloomberg L.P. He owns 72% of the LP and receives an 84.55% share of the profits. Enough money to built and furnish his own Death Star. Bloomberg is a good mayor. He isn't Rudy Guiliani, but good enough to get re-elected.
After loosing the last election for mayor Mr. Ferrer took a job as president of the Drum Major Institute, a liberal policy group. Yet he claims to wear a badge of honor for 'working his way up'.
As an 'outsider' it is still painfully obvious that Mr. Ferrer has no chance to be elected mayor. You know, like trying to force a marshmallow through a 3 inch steel door-ain't happening.
But this is New York. And as noted earlier, infested with liberals. Alot of really dumb rich liberals. Remember David Dinkins? (Yea, even current liberals refuse talk about his fucked up term as mayor) So who knows how this will really pan out. But the NY Times seems to be reporting the day-to-day developments like someone on a hunger strike. Somebody always gets food into the protestor's stomach. They never die. (But all of the protestors starving themselves against "big oil", how effective were they? Well, my XOM and CVX dividends are still comming not much. Thank God..!) Ugh! Dear NYT readers this is gonna' be a bad one. So stock up on bleach and plastic bags.

Freddy's own words..

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The big NO

Washington-- The lights were on, the cameras were live and the nation was watching, so this House Select Committee had to put on a grand performance. It looked like a old porno circa 77'. Michael Brown was yelled at and talked 'down to' in tones that one never sees on 'The Hill'. Brown appeared before a special congressional panel set up by House Republican leaders to investigate the catastrophe, post hurricane Katrina. His job as FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) director was already gone, so he had nothing to lose. "I'm happy you left," said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn. "That kind of look in the lights like a deer tells me you weren't capable of doing that job."
Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., told Brown: "The disconnect was, people thought there was some federal expertise out there. There wasn't. Not from you." Brown blamed others for most government failures in responding to Hurricane Katrina, especially Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Brown also said that in the days before the storm, he expressed his concerns that "this is going to be a bad one" in phone conversations and e-mails with
President Bush's, White House chief of staff Andy Card and deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin. Brown said the lack of an effective evacuation of New Orleans before the storm was "the tipping point for all the other things that went wrong."
A "mandatory" evacuation was ordered Sunday by Mayor Nagin. However, transportation was not provided and thousands of residents were stranded.

Doesn't the Governor and Mayor have some responsibility here? The "hurricane evac"plan that was developed wasn't followed. Why? They are the locally elected officials. Dysfunctional? I don't think it was necessary to say that Louisiana was disfunctional, the whole country could see that on TV. Almost half of the police department didn't show up for duty. (This would NEVER FUCKING happen in NYC) Shootings, lootings, rape and all the other crap that goes on in ghettos. When an 'armed gang' was shot at by the National Guard, because they were shooting at telephone repair crews, I laughed. Jeez, what a fuckin' shithole! Even the police are being arrested for looting. If this isn't disfunctional, what is?

In a few months after a lot of research of phone calls, emails and etc. I'm willing to bet that it will come out that the Louisiana Governor, Kathleen Blanco and Mayor Ray Nagin are super-duper fuck-ups. And that this guy, Brown and his agency, FEMA, were powerless against Louisina's 'fuckupedness'.

New Orleans was a dirty corrupt town of unimaginable stink. If Neptune claims it, let him have it. Why should the rest of the nation pay to 'rebuild' New Orleans? If its worth rebulding private enterprise will take care of it.

Police looters

Oil, black gold..Texas tea..

Our whole society is effected by Oil, or its price. The Bush administration is not doing enough to push for energy conservation as fuel costs skyrocket since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Sen. Maria Cantwell (pictured) of Washington state said Saturday in the Democrats' weekly radio address.
It seems odd that Liberals are the ones fighting the development of new oil and gasoline infactructure(s), but are also angry about its 'price'. EVERY member of congress, liberal-that is, should be forced to complete a basic economic course, three credit hrs. Maybe, just maybe, some of these stupid, truly moronic ideas and comments will never come to 'the top'. You can't create a buch of laws and rules for the oil industry..and THEN critizize this same industry if they can't deliver "cheap" gasoline and Oil(s) after negoiating through all of your (liberal) bullshit rules and nonsense.
Business will ALWAYS find a way to profit form a situation. One CAN'T make a law or rule setting prices for anything, gasoline, milk, sugar, tobacco, coffee..etc. It creates shortages. If the price of gasoline is $10/gallon, then that's what it is. Either one can get gasoline at $10 or nothing at $9. period.

People in California should pay an extra $1/gallon 'stupid' tax. NIMBA (not in my back yard) was pioneered in California. The citizens of CA need more eletricity AND more gasoline. However, the politics of the region won't allow for the construction of new processing plants or refineries. This is why its sooo expensive to 'do business' in California. Nevada and Arizona like it. California needs to do what is 'correct', not what the liberal bomb throwers wan't. But maybe that is the way our democracy is supposed to work, letting CA make really dumb choices, and have to "suck it", for the next few years...

who knows..?