Tuesday, May 02, 2006

$145,000 for a roll of toilet paper?

Yea, if you are lucky enough to live in Zimbabwe, a real first class shithole. Although it seems like alot of money for a paper roll its only about $0.69 in US Dollars. The country is suffering from hyperinflation, about 1000% per year. The smallest bill is the $500 note, the $20 (pictured) isn't made any more.If it was, you would need 7250 bills to purchase this paper roll...whats the point?! The maestro of this grand symphony of chaos is Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's 'president'.
The capital city, Harare, doesn't have clean water, because the water treatment plant is broken down, in need of parts and new equipment. They pull their water from the same lake that the sewers empty into, so cholera and dysentery has broken out all over the city. So, what happened?
Well, if we remember, Mugabe wanted the "white farmers" to give their land to the "Zimbabwe people". It was a big scam. The choice lands went to the political class. These 'white farmers' had been farming the land for generations, building up vast knowledge in farming and food production. Zimbabwe used to actually export food to other areas of Africa. Well...the white farmers left, moving to neighboring countries, taking their families, knowlege and money with them.
And in February the govt. said that they had paid back the International Monetary Fund's $221,000,000 USD debt, that was in arrears. If they didn't, Zimbabwe's membership would be threatened. Mugabe did this by printing over $21 trillion Zimbabwe dollars, to purchase the US currency, to cover the debt.
Who in their fucking mind would want to loan this moron money?

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