What ever happened to Germany? If anyone has a casual interest in history and has read a book or two, it’s hard to find a subject that hasn’t been affected by German hands. WWI yea, they lost. WW II, lost again. It’s befitting because they started the whole fucking war. Losing sucks. But let’s face it. It was for the best. So back to the original question, what happened to Germany?
Well, It still has the third largest economy, only behind the US and Japan. And they
are the world largest exporter. But the German economy is keeping warm on the embers of its economic past. The great economy is now called the ‘sick man of Europe.” Jobs are gushing out of the country. The newly formed states in the east are hungry for investment and job creation. The red tape is light, compared to that of Germany or France. And France’s greatest industry is the production of ‘red tape’, 3M’s greatest competitor.
Direct investment from the US was about $3.5 billion, while direct investment to the US from Germany was about $21 Billion. Listen kids, when your homegrown capital markets find greener fields in foreign lands, producing such an odd ratio, it should gain anyone’s attention, like a crying shrieking baby on an overbooked overseas flight. And why are these German fields not worth plowing? Like a field of blade breaking stones, Labor's quest for power is to blame. The Labor movements in Germany have evolved into a quasi-communist, socialist force. This force doesn’t care about the ‘state’ but only of its political power. It's become a heavy stone around the neck of the state. The problem is that the harder labor tightens its grip on the German economy, the more jobs leave to points east. Its becoming less of a grip and more of a grasp. Germans have become fat, lazy and french. Six weeks paid vacations and vast non-cash benefits are driving the Germany’s economic future into the arms of another. The growth rate is already about zero. And the unemployment rate is about 6 million, that about 10%! What qualities did German labor adopt over the last thirty years? Idleness, sluggishness, ambling, slothful, lackadaisical, over priced and a few more to be sure. Are these the qualities that made Bosch? Krupp?
Martin Luther, Goethe, Bach, Beethoven, Durer, Kepler, Planck, Hertz, Leibniz, Bosch, Siemens, Diesel, Daimler and yes, Benz, have been dead for many years. Where are the Germans that are to replace them? Continue their works? Germany has become a population of ‘also-rans’, claiming some sort of victory while clutching a 3rd place ribbon. Gerhard Schroder has done a good job fucking the country up, wasting its talents or selling them for pennies on the dollar. I would have said Deutschmark, but even that’s fucking gone too!
Will Ms. Merkel do what needs to be done? Who knows? But what I do know, is that Schroder and Chirac need to be kicked out of Berlin.