Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mayor Race II

It seems very odd that the 'public' has a problem with the amount of money mayor Bloomberg is spending on his re-election, current tab $60 million(+). The issue isn't if Bloomberg will win, but how much he is out spending his challenger, Ferrer. It would seem that Ferrer is going to be "smoked" on election day. The most generously liberal publications have him trailing Bloomberg by about 30 points. We live in a country where "space enthusiast", Gregory Olsen, will spend $20 million to up into orbit for a few days. Is it odd to spend $60 million to become mayor of the Earth's most loved city for four years?

The question shouldn't be why Bloomberg will spend so much money to become mayor, but why would Ferrer spend ANY MONEY to gain a position that he has no chance of obtaining. Its like buying a bag of old lottery tickets. What's the point? And some of Ferrer's money is our tax dollars. Bloomberg is spending only his own money.

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