Friday, October 21, 2005

He grows a good Moustache

I wasn't raised in NYC, but I live here. So I view the upcomming Mayoral election with a gimlet eye. New York City is infested with liberals. And every few years they try to raise a new king. This time around they have chosen Fernando Ferrer to run against the current mayor Mike Bloomberg. Mr. Ferrer has advertised himself as the candidate that has "worked his way up" and would never 'buy' the job of being mayor. This of course is a jab at Mayor Bloomberg, because he's rich, yea 'fuck you money' rich. Billions and billions of dollars. Founder and owner of Bloomberg L.P. He owns 72% of the LP and receives an 84.55% share of the profits. Enough money to built and furnish his own Death Star. Bloomberg is a good mayor. He isn't Rudy Guiliani, but good enough to get re-elected.
After loosing the last election for mayor Mr. Ferrer took a job as president of the Drum Major Institute, a liberal policy group. Yet he claims to wear a badge of honor for 'working his way up'.
As an 'outsider' it is still painfully obvious that Mr. Ferrer has no chance to be elected mayor. You know, like trying to force a marshmallow through a 3 inch steel door-ain't happening.
But this is New York. And as noted earlier, infested with liberals. Alot of really dumb rich liberals. Remember David Dinkins? (Yea, even current liberals refuse talk about his fucked up term as mayor) So who knows how this will really pan out. But the NY Times seems to be reporting the day-to-day developments like someone on a hunger strike. Somebody always gets food into the protestor's stomach. They never die. (But all of the protestors starving themselves against "big oil", how effective were they? Well, my XOM and CVX dividends are still comming not much. Thank God..!) Ugh! Dear NYT readers this is gonna' be a bad one. So stock up on bleach and plastic bags.

Freddy's own words..

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