Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oil, black gold..Texas tea..

Our whole society is effected by Oil, or its price. The Bush administration is not doing enough to push for energy conservation as fuel costs skyrocket since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Sen. Maria Cantwell (pictured) of Washington state said Saturday in the Democrats' weekly radio address.
It seems odd that Liberals are the ones fighting the development of new oil and gasoline infactructure(s), but are also angry about its 'price'. EVERY member of congress, liberal-that is, should be forced to complete a basic economic course, three credit hrs. Maybe, just maybe, some of these stupid, truly moronic ideas and comments will never come to 'the top'. You can't create a buch of laws and rules for the oil industry..and THEN critizize this same industry if they can't deliver "cheap" gasoline and Oil(s) after negoiating through all of your (liberal) bullshit rules and nonsense.
Business will ALWAYS find a way to profit form a situation. One CAN'T make a law or rule setting prices for anything, gasoline, milk, sugar, tobacco, coffee..etc. It creates shortages. If the price of gasoline is $10/gallon, then that's what it is. Either one can get gasoline at $10 or nothing at $9. period.

People in California should pay an extra $1/gallon 'stupid' tax. NIMBA (not in my back yard) was pioneered in California. The citizens of CA need more eletricity AND more gasoline. However, the politics of the region won't allow for the construction of new processing plants or refineries. This is why its sooo expensive to 'do business' in California. Nevada and Arizona like it. California needs to do what is 'correct', not what the liberal bomb throwers wan't. But maybe that is the way our democracy is supposed to work, letting CA make really dumb choices, and have to "suck it", for the next few years...

who knows..?

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