Friday, November 04, 2005

The Madness of the French...

Well, they are at it again. Yea, I'm talking about the French love affair with disobedience. Maybe if they were as disobedient towards the Nazi's, maybe history wouldn't record DeGaul as being such an incompetent asshole. Anyway, everything in France doesn't seem as is. Yes, I know. It's a shocker. Decades of overpaid, oversexed, unresponsive and unaccountable bureaucrats have finally rubbed the state raw. They are mad as hell and they aren't gonna take it anymore. These riots have swelled into a broader challenge against the French state. The violence has exposed deep discontent in neighborhoods where African and Muslim immigrants and their French-born children are trapped by poverty, unemployment, racial discrimination, crime, poor education and housing. It would seem that no amount of "sweet talk" or "poetry" that erupts from Dominique de Villepin's hole can calm the storm. The vast mass of French political doubletalk and bullshit has finally buckled under the weight of its own nonsense. And its come home to roost, among the suburbs of Paris.
Dominique de Villepin has often spoke about the importance of following the "french" form of government, not the "anglo-saxon" (USA, UK) . Well it would seem the French Model is working wonders. They deserve it, good and hard.

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