Monday, April 17, 2006

Hippie Hybrid

I hate hippies. They spend all day trying to figure out 'how to make the world perfect'. They smoke a lot of weed too. A lot of weed. And they like to craft law that doesn't make any sense. Enter the 'hybrids'. Cars that promise to help keep the world a better place, a cleaner place and making the Earth Mother happy. The price of gasoline would have to be over $10 a gallon for any real hybrid to make any economic sense. A Toyota Corolla gets about 7 mpg less than a Prius, but costs about $6000 less, than the Prius. As long as gas is $2/$3 a gallon, people are still going to be buying big cars, trucks and SUVs.

To really help keep gasoline consumption down buy a bike or some walking shoes. Don't drive six blocks to your local gym, so you can use the treadmill for an hour.

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