Monday, April 17, 2006

Lucky Rabbi Co.

Las Vegas-- At this years "Pornathon 2006" convention in Las Vegas, one of the hottest new products is Lucky Rabbi Payas Wax. The girls knead it through their 'fur' to maintain a silky smooth feel, also preventing chaping and drying. "Its the best damn stuff out there!" says, Jules Diamond, star of such films as Cream filled Ass Pies, Goop Gulpers, Panty Stain Mystery and many others. "You spend twelve hours under these hot fucking lights, a girl drys out. You know what I mean?"

Lucky Rabbi's Payas Wax was developed over fifty years ago, incorporating a combination of emulsifiers, including Shey Butter. The Company doesn't know how their product ended up on the film sets of the porno industry, but they are happy with the receptive market. The Lucky Rabbi, Co. of Brooklyn, NY has developed other products for their porn star customers, soon available are Beaver Scrub, Taint Rejouvinatior, Lip Relaxation Spa Kit and others.

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