Monday, April 17, 2006

Wanted: robot patch kit...

Long Island, NY--Hofstra University, Senior, Brad Zuppin was arrested off campus for having sexual relations with an underaged robot. Hofstra Spokesperson Amy Barnes said that, "Mr. Zuppin was a star student, spending long hours in the robotics lab, located in the basement of Weller Hall, often with his assistant, a Bot named Gonk. It was on one of these nights that The Hofstra Campus Police have reported that something 'happened'."

Fellow student Mitch Adams said, "they were always together. In the lunch room. In the library. On the bus. We can't believe something like this could happen. Gonk never said anything, but did seem unusually sad the last few weeks.."

Mr. Zuppin's studies have been suspended and he has been placed into the Blair House Psychiatric Center for Perverts, located in Long Island.

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