Monday, July 03, 2006

Somebody say Replacements??

Ok, So there is no saving Star Jones at The View. Who could replace such a talent? Somebody get Danny Rose on the phone! With every TV job opening the usual names and usual rejects get tossed about. And some of those rejects are dwarfs, like "Larry the party Dwarf from Middle Earth". When the ale starts flowing, even the Orcs can't keep up! no good?! We'll he'll work for beer and a few Hustler magizines.

Stimpy is too far out of the Price range. William Hung is too fucking wierd. Brak? Whats that?

No, for real star power they need to pull out the big guns..... Donald Trump's wig.

The Donald won't go anywhere without his wig, but the wig can do a two hour taping monday through thursdays, for a modest sum. It only asks for abosolute control, respect, a limo full of wet horny naked girls and a few merkins...oh and keep it away from any open flames.

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