Monday, July 03, 2006

The View is good..

New York-- As if we New Yorkers didn't need to be reminded that , well yes, the center of the fucking universe is New York, the recent developments at "The View" should be a kind reminder. Star Jones, a founding member of the show was asked, 'not to return', for the future seasons. In other words she was fired. I've only watched about ten minutes of "The View", and my first impression was, "what's fucking wrong with Star?!". She acted as if the whole world was mocking her. All the women on the panel were laughing and talking and Star had a really pissed look on her face...Like some one surfaced with pictures of her husband with an assortment of nude sweaty boys.
As a casual observer I wasn't too far off the mark. Audiences and the network describe Star as "passive-aggressive" and well, really boring to watch.

Star needs to get credit for losing all of that fucking fat. I mean, come on she looked like a fucking clown..a fat clown. And I don't care how many times Al Reynolds (the Mr. Star) says he's staright, too many people in New York say he's gay. Drivers, handlers, doormen, get the idea.. This guy loves the cock...

Yea, so Star is so full of Kathy Lee Gifford, another morning TV reject. Its pure TV Guide Schadenfreude, but I'll bet Star lands on her feet somewhere. The smart money says it won't be anywhere near FOX...maybe the WB..or radio..

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