Saturday, November 19, 2005


Al-Qaida scientists are working overtime in attempts to fix what can be best described as "faulty" munition guidance system. One of the latest attacks against the "infidels" resulted in over 60 dead muslims, most of which were killed in a blast at wedding party at the Raddison in Amman Jordon. Included in the dead was world famous Syrian film producer/director Moustapha Akkad. "Even the most juvenile system would identify that a wedding party wouldn't be a good place to find Americans, stinking Jewish scum and other infidels" said Rudolph Hohenzolleren, a Nazi scientist, and coworker of Wernher Von Braun, father of the modern rocket guidence system and lead scientist of the American Apollo space program. "If any of our V1 or V2 rockets landed in Berlin, Der Furer would have been pissed! Gott im Himmel !

Moustapha Akkad..who?

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