Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Arbeit Macht Frei

I live in New York City. And as I walk around its streets, I see a lot of really odd and dumb people, such an old guy declairing the imminent alien invasion, the Jamican lady on the subway screaming about Jesus' love, 'the mumbler'-complete with three day old shit rotting in his pants. But the ones I hold in the highest regard are the hipsters or fashionable folk adorning images of Che, Fidel, Mao or other discredited socialists. Do hipsters know that..there aren't hipsters in Cuba, China, North Korea and other communist shitholes? There is something beautifully repugnant about a picture of Che Guevara over the words, "Resist Oppression". Cuba is the poster child of oppression. Fidel would export it by the shipload if anyone would buy it, Venezuela's Chavez is thinking about it. Would Cuba be any better with Che, rather than Fidel? Don't fool youself. These assholes are all the same.

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