Thursday, August 18, 2005

Happy Fun Ball

New York, NY--One of our own staffers at WSPO, Mark Nokes, was admited to an area hospital after he swallowed a Happy Fun Ball. Actually, it was Jgonzz's Happy Fun Ball. Mr. Nokes was in Jgonzz's office playing 'Civ III'. After eating two dozen chocolate doughnuts, and losing three cities and a settler unit to the Zulu's (because he didn't have Iron or horses, the poor bastard), Mr. Nokes removed the Happy Fun Ball from its special container and swallowed it whole. Physicians will have to remove it from his stomach, because it is too large to 'pass' through the digestive tract. "We knew something was wrong." said Ms. Taylor, Jgonzz's secretary. "Mark has always been weird, but he became even more so. He complained of dizziness, loss of balance and his speech became slurred. When the chocolate foam started coming out of his nose and mouth, I called the Ambulance. The Happy Fun Ball had better not be damaged. (Because) the maufactuer, Wacky Products Inc., has been out of business for about five years, due to massive class action lawsuits. And they are no longer available."

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