Friday, August 05, 2005

Coldcaller recieves cool reward

Wall Street,NY-- At Anderson & Co., a full service brokerage on 14 Wall, Andrew Simms, 27, a licensed coldcaller, was known as "Lumberjack", because he produced so much wood. "yea, his leads were shit! totally wooden shit logs! stinking up my desk!" says, Vinney Greene,37, Mr. Simm's broker, trainer and boss. "My god some of his leads..the guy was dead for over five years. I'm like what the fuck?! I hadn't seen leads this bad since DH Blair." So they had a meeting and it was decided that Mr. Simms would make a real effort... no more wood leads. It would mean a big change, a challenging change, like quitting smoking, or no more hookers. "I told Andrew that if he gave me one more wood lead, I'd fucking throw him out the window. " recalls Mr. Greene. "it was tough on him at first, but he started to get the hang of it." About two weeks later a real lead was produced. Mr. Simms eyes were full of tears, hands trembling. "I knew he had something. I checked it out anyway, calling the person on the leadcard. I'll be fucked..It was a real deal. He wasn't a whale..but not a piker either, so we went down for Icecream. Coldcallers love icecream."

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