Monday, August 08, 2005

Leftist bullshit

Africa is not a good place to live, we all know that (although some pretend not to). It has all of man's ills; poverty, war, disease, genocide, famine, corruption, and more. Why is this Europe's and the USA's problem? Well it isn't... but we seem to have all the money. And money solves problems. Ok..granted, write a few cheques. But we already did, Billions of dollars worth. So, um...where did the money go? Food and medicines were also donated, so you didn't have to use much cash for that. Infrastructre in Africa is well not much improved since Ramesses II ruled the place. Democracy needs to take root, and private property rights. A free market brings in more than 'stuff'. It brings ideas- good and bad, but the market is free to decide. Everywhere in the world, especially in the USA, good ideas are imported. Bad ideas are exposed, examined and replaced. So Bob Geldof organized another 'save Africa' concert-thingy. One of its slogans was to 'make poverty history', which any Econ101 student could tell you is impossible. So anyway, a lot of people wanted to see one of these concerts. And tickets were free, some who had them tried to sell them by placing their tickets on the auction site eBay, creating an uproar, from the left, which included Geldof demanding that the company remove the auctions, even encouraging hackers to attack eBay. eBay later removed the tickets. The free market that Africa needs to improve itself, without stupid rock concerts studded with aging balding english hipsters, was created instantly on eBay and Geldof wanted it squashed. Without changes in the current political and economic systems in Africa, "investng" more money would be like tossing a glass of water into a dry thirsty desert.

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