Sunday, August 28, 2005

In the folder lebeled...

"I'm so desperate for media attention that I'm willing to meet this asshole" added another entry when Jesse Jackson met with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. The U.S. civil rights leader condemned last week's suggestion by Pat Robertson, an old religious cracker, that American agents should kill the leftist Venezuelan leader, calling the conservative commentator's statements "immoral" and "illegal." Pat Robertson has about as much political power as Jesse Jackson, not enough to run a 5000BTU air conditioner. The last time Jesse ran for the US presidency he generated 0.00 electorial votes, which was the same as me..and I didn't even fucking run.

This Chavez guy is a "Castro-want-a-be". He doesn't have Castro's political mind or charisma, but Venezuela has oil. That means money. Dollars. Real ones, not those stupid worthless "Cuban Peso's" that even cab drivers in Havana don't accept.

So, why is Jesse meeting this guy? We're sure money is involved, Rainbow PUSH coalition could use a few dollars. And the event is recorded by the international media, a plus. Even though Jesse is getting money from his savy theft of the "River North distributorship", a Anheuser-Busch beer distributor, his political causes must eat up alot of cash.
So, how does Jesse's visit to Venezuela help exploited poverty stricken black Americans?

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