Saturday, August 13, 2005

At the WTC site

Ground Zero, NY--Concerned about calls to avoid any anti-American programming, a museum that plans to be part of a controversial new cultural center at the World Trade Center says it is having "positive" discussions with rebuilding officials to try to avoid any censorship of its exhibits or programs. Delegates for the future "Children of the Night" museum were at meeting this week with WTC officials to discuss the nature of its exhibits. Goethe(with hat) and Liebkind were not pleased with the progress. "These officals are idiots, pushers of paper, lies and Kafka-like pain. I am becoming galled." City officials are demanding a catalog of future exhibits, showings and themes. The don't want anything offensive or embarrasing to the city or the country. "Embarrasing? Our works are full of beauty and wonderment. Liebkind and some friends have just completed a series of beautifully crafted color photographs entitled 'Speculum Holiday'. The Children of the Night workshop are proud of our works and will not be denied our audience!" Mr. Goethe and his organization have two weeks to respond to city officials.

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