Sunday, August 07, 2005

Star Trek Reject

Miami, FL--Jerry Knorr was rejected from joining the area Star Trek club. "This guy shows up dressed up like a strawberry or something", says Tom Bolan, Vice-chairman of the Miami Star Trek Club, "It's obvious that he's at the wrong place. He needs to be looking for some whip cream and spongecake. But he claims there is a race of 'berry aliens', the Fragarians. That's when I knew we had to call the police." After reaching Mr. Knorr he was open to telling us his side of the story. "That guy was an! I'm dressed as a berry warrior! Even the Borg are shit scared of us! I'm a Fragarian, we are at war with the Melolonthini..! I'll start my own club. I don't need those fags!"
After speaking to Mr. Knorr he boarded the local bus to go home, the other riders looked uneasy as he located a seat. I'm not sure the Borg are scared of strawberry dudes, but old humans sure are.

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