Thursday, August 11, 2005


Bronx, NY-- Mayor Bloomberg has announced that additional funding would be alocated towards community specific programs, such as libraries, recreation centers, pools, basketball courts, and other situations, determined on a 'per case' basis. "We ain't got no fuckin' towels" said, Eddie Brown, a self appointed lifeguard at a Bronx community pool. "Hey, lil' man! Wash that nasty funk out of your toes! Go back home an' take care of that shit..fuck!", comments Mr. Brown towards a Bronx youth," One dollar gets you 15 minutes in the water. No geri curl mutha' fuckers allowed ! I don't give a fuck! I have to drain the water at night, because some fools try to wash their clothes in here. I ain't no fuckin' Maytag man..shit!"

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