Monday, August 15, 2005

Set your Dial

New York,NY--Despite poor ratings and massive losses, Air America is even more determined to develop a winning liberal formula for our radio dial. "Al Frankin is our highest rated host." says, Andy Kile, director of programing. "We can't have Al on 24 hrs a day, it would kill him. So its important that we have fresh ideas for our programing hours. We think that our fall line-up will get us the demographics and listiners we need." We spoke about a few shows in the Air America line-up. The first, untitled, is a fifteen part series on Al Gore's world vision, how he invented the modern world and the internet. The second show is titled, "Proper Hamster Care with Tom & Dale!" This show would offer advice and call-in segments on hamster or gerbil storage, cleaning, feeding, disposal and other related topics with hamster ownership. The third offering is a late nite call-in show called, "Militant Lesbian Task Force". Its tagline is 'fighting for justice and equality for all'. The topics offered on this show were vague, but Mr. Kile says it will be a 'hit'. The fourth show is a multi-hour program called, "Our Tanned Friends from the South". They have signed Seth Bustamante and other mexican hosts to celebrate Chicano heritage and accomplishments, and also highlight the importance of supporting MEChA in its efforts to have the stolen lands of Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico returned to Mexico.

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